It felt more like summer today than spring with glorious sunshine all day, although the distinct lack of hirundines still seems quite concerning. Swallow and Sand Martin have been arriving and a few are being seen at various sites but House Martin still seem rarer than hens teeth currently and Swifts (although still early) have been incredibly sparse. At Swineham though there were 50+ Reed Warbler this morning, 20+ Cetti’s Warbler, 8 Sedge Warbler, 2 Common Whitethroat, 2 Cuckoo and 1 Hobby. In the Frome Valley there were 4 summer plumaged Cattle Egret at Holes Bay a late male Wigeon with 5 Reed Warbler around the fringes of Upton CP and 2 Whimbrel in the NE section.
Sedge Warbler – Frome Valley – Garry Hayman
Spring seems to be creeping along with more displaying and nest building birds today, including multiple Raven pairs/territories…
Find out moreAlthough you couldn’t see further than 100m for much of the day, there were birds to be found…
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