
Harbour Update – posted 05/03/20

Despite the naff weather, birds are beginning to arrive. The first Sand Martin was recorded on the Isles of Scilly and Gloucestershire saw its first Wheatear of spring. We are fast approaching the harbour’s first arrival of spring migrants. In recent years, Wheatear have been picked up making landfall at Sunnyside Farm, Baiter Park and Hartland Moor… It’s a chilly start tomorrow morning but this is an exciting time to get out into the field!

An evening of lamping at Sunnyside last night produced quality if not quantity. Large numbers of birds were out feeding in the fields, however catching any was providing difficult. Woodcock, Common Snipe, Jack Snipe and Skylark constantly encountered. The constant drizzle rendered our thermal imagers useless and the light field conditions meant the birds could see us approaching. However, despite the challenge, we still managed to produce a Jack Snipe which is always a joy to see in the hand.

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