
Harbour Update – posted 05/03/16

Highlight of the day went to two Common Cranes that passed over Holton Lee and out across Lytchett Bay. Unfortunately they were lost to view by the woodland treeline and couldn’t be relocated, however the info services stated at 19:06 – 2 Common Crane – Poole. If anyone has any info about this later sighting we’d be interested in hearing where abouts ‘in Poole’ the sighting was made. Also at Holton Lee 2 Marsh Harrier were over the reedbed with a Peregrine high overhead. A Green Sandpiper was on Holton Pools and what seemed like constant calling from Siskins and Med Gulls overhead. Out on the Holton Lee heathland, Dartford Warbler and Stonechat were both active and a few Meadow Pipit passed overhead. At the PC World drain the first few migrant Chiffchaff arrived with at least one with pollen on its face/forehead, also a Firecrest there too. In Middlebere 4 Spoonbill remained and 2 Firecrest were still at Norden Sewage Works. 

Grey Wagtail – Norden Sewage Works – Paul Morton

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