
Harbour Update – posted 04/11/14

This morning looked like a possible Wood Pigeon morning but after ‘only’ 4000 birds having passed over the harbour the movement petered out very quickly. When you look at the Netherlands and Belgium for comparison today who counted 3 million on the move south you can see why our 4000 was slightly underwhelming. From the same watch point, 2 Skylark, 4 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Fieldfare, 11 Redwing and a Firecrest. A stunning male Hen Harrier arrived yesterday and is now roosting with the two ringtails along with 6 Marsh Harrier still nearby. The Hen Harrier are still commuting between Middlebere, Swineham and now Lytchett Bay. There was also a Merlin and a Peregrine out over the Wareham Channel. 3 adult type passed North Haven yesterday morning but distantly and in the gloom meant an ID couldn’t be clinched, but they were either Arctic or Pomarine. The Great White Egret was again out in Brands Bay and Red-breasted Merganser numbers continue to increase. There were 12 Black-necked Grebe off Middle Beach and 6 Sanderling in Shell Bay. 

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