
Harbour Update – posted 04/10/22

These south-westerlies are not what we daydream about in the lead up to autumn, however they did serve to hold back the tide at Lytchett Bay, retaining enough mud to tempt in a Ruff which was feeding between French’s Pools and the Approach Field. The falling tide earlier in the morning also featured a Curlew Sandpiper and Spotted Redshank. Out towards East Holme on the finges of the harbour boundary, at least 7 Cattle Egret were kicking about in with the cattle and the afternoon drizzle kept the remaining hirundines (House Martin and Swallows) low over Lower Piddle Valley while a Mandarin flew up the valley. This evening 16 Cattle Egret flew into roost towards the Wareham Channel area and there was also an un-ringed juvenile Osprey in Brands Bay.

Avocet – Middlebere – Mark Wright

Marsh Harrier – Middlebere – Mark Wright

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