
Harbour Update – posted 04/06/23

A slight drop in the wind today made for very warm conditions and plenty of activity! Visitors to Hyde’s Heath at Arne enjoyed views of Sparrowhawk, Hobby, Marsh Harrier, alongside Dartford Warbler, Woodlarks, Stonechats, plus distant Curlew and Lapwing. A Red Kite was seen over the Wareham area again, and nearby at Morden Bog there were 3 Cuckoo, 1 Hobby, a pair of Redstart with young. Gadwall appear to have bred successfully in Lytchett Bay once again with 9 young following a female around the Fields early this morning, where 3 Ringed Plover and 1 Greenshank were also present. Over on Brownsea Lagoon, 3 summer plumage Grey Plover were a treat for observers, along with lots of Sandwich Tern chick activity. And in central Poole, 3 Peregrine chicks were all visible on the balcony of the Barclays Building.

Marsh Harrier – Hyde’s Heath, Arne – Kate Plater

Juvenile Stonechat – Hyde’s Heath, Arne – Kate Plater

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