
Harbour Update – posted 04/01/23

It felt as though there was a touch of spring in the air today, with a Mistle Thrush singing in the lower Piddle Valley this morning. A good record of a 1st Winter Kittiwake in Lytchett Bay was one of the highlights of today’s sightings, as well as 3 Marsh Harrier, 1 Peregrine, 3 Mediterranean Gull and a raft of 62 Common Gull. Decent diver numbers around the harbour today, with 1 Great Northern Diver in the central harbour seen off Shipstal, another 4 reported from Jerry’s Point and 1 in Studland Bay. Also in Studland Bay, were 4 Black-necked Grebe and 1 Velvet Scoter. A count of 22 Spoonbill were recorded at Shipstal point at Arne this morning.

Kittiwake – Lytchett Bay – Ian Ballam

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