
Harbour Update – posted 03/12/22

A day of odds and sods today with the cold north easterly keeping birders at bay it seems. A Water Pipit was sat Lytchett Bay this morning and in Holes Bay NW there were 5 Spoonbill. At Sandbanks a Black Redstart was busy on the roof of the Haven Hotel and there was a minor arrival of winter thrush’s with 300 Redwing and 25 Fieldfare over the harbour entrance at dawn. A count of 95 Shag were logged flying through the harbour entrance at dawn along with c25 Red-breasted Merganser. The Great White Egret was again on Wareham Common and this evening a possible Caspian Gull came into roost on the Brownsea Lagoon.

Possible Caspian Gull (central bird) – Brownsea Lagoon 

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