On the North Haven side a Black Redstart was found on Sandbanks Pavilion roof, plus c15 Brent Geese in Whitley Lake. Further round at Poole Park there was a 1st-winter Scaup in south-east corner of boating lake just 3 feet off the duck feeding area!
Lytchett Fields was still half flooded this morning holding only 34 Lapwing, Black Headed Gulls and a Little Egret. These were later joined by 94 Avocet, 10 Dunlin and 2 Red-breasted Merganser.
At Middlebere the channel held good numbers of Black-tailed Godwits, Avocets, Lapwing, Teal & Wigeon, plus 3 Pintail, 7 Brent Geese, 27 Grey Plover & 6 Spotted Redshank. Raptor wise a Peregrine was making the most of the vacant Osprey pole, whilst a Sparrowhawk and a female Marsh Harrier and also made appearances. Further up the track on Hartland moor there was a Male Merlin eating breakfast early morning and later a female at the end of the tramway. Finally, a late Hobby over the Arne Road this afternoon, and 6 Marsh Harrier in west of the harbour around Swineham/Wareham Channel area.
Scaup – Poole Park
Bottlenose Dolphin – Studland Beach
Such another stunning day, we really don’t want it to stop. There seemed to be a definite arrival…
Find out moreThe Indian summer continues although autumn migration was the feature of the day. Swallow, House Martin and to…
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