
Harbour Update – posted 03/06/23

There were 2 Red Kite seen from Rock Lea Viewpoint over Lytchett Bay this morning, as well as what appeared to be an unringed Osprey hunting in the Bay. Hopefully we will get more reports of this bird soon and confirm whether it is ringed, as we are keeping our eyes out for any translocated returnees! At Lytchett Fields, the Little Gull was present again today. 6 Lapwing were reported from Coombe Heath this morning. From our Carey Osprey Tours today, aside from the Osprey pair regularly feeding the three chicks, there was plenty of Buzzard activity, as well as 1 Red Kite and 1 Hobby high over the site.

Red Kite – Lytchett Bay – Alison Copland


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