
Harbour Update – posted 02/12/23

It was such a shame the fog never really cleared, as the harbour was like a mirror all day, which would have provided perfect viewing conditions right around the harbour. Situations with zero wind are rare, and the fact we were due to host a bird boat today held so much promise. Unfortunately we had to cancel the boat (despite postponing it for two hours) meaning reports were few and far between. In the gloom off Jerry’s Point the Long-tailed Duck did just about show it’s self and there were also 2 Great Northern Diver off there too. Best bird of the day was a newly found ‘eastern’ Lesser Whitethroat sp along the promenade at Canford Cliffs. Other than that….today will just be classed as ‘a whiteout’! Hopefully conditions will improve in due course.

Long-tailed Duck in the gloom – Jerry’s Point – Peter Moore

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