
Harbour Update – posted 02/11/21

Without doubt, the best day of the autumn so far weather-wise, just stunning. Frost and ice on the ground at dawn, followed by a blast of late autumn warmth by mid-afternoon prompting Common Darter dragonfly, singing grasshoppers, both Red Admiral and Peacock Butterfly to all appear and Common Chiffchaff to be in full song in a few places.

Wood Pigeon were on the move, possibly pre-empting a big push over the next couple of days? Flocks of several thousand were logged elsewhere in Dorset and with northerly winds and clear sky’s forecast for the next few mornings, there could be many more on the move. The Snow Bunting was again on Redhorn Point, Studland where 2 Scaup were on the water with 2 Goldeneye, 44 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Black-necked Grebe and a Great White Egret over Brands Bay. A Marsh Harrier was over Little Sea, Studland and both the ringtail Hen Harrier and the adult male were seen in Middlebere. Off Middle Beach, Studland there were 5 Common Scoter and a Black-necked Grebe. In Holes Bay the Barnacle Goose was still with the Canada Geese. Redwing were on the move this morning with birds arriving from the north and a couple of Brambling were heard over the Piddle Valley. A couple of ringing sessions were carried out at dawn at a couple of sites in the harbour with 13 Redwing ringed along with Cetti’s Warbler, Stonechat, 3 Blackcap and 3 Chiffchaff. At dusk 98 Magpie entered the Hatch Pond roost.

Redwing – Piddle Valley – Alison Copland

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