With autumn evenings drawing in now and darkness hitting before most of us are even home from work, weekday sightings are becoming less and less. Amazingly, having disappeared for several days and assumed gone, the Stilt Sandpiper re-appeared in Middlebere, therefore seeing it into its third month within the harbour. We also carried out a night Woodcock and Jack Snipe survey, but only a single Woodcock was seen and zero Jack Snipe, although c75 Common Snipe was a reasonable total. Other encounters included a Redwing and a Skylark both of which we ringed. There was a serious gripe today though which involved a drone being flown over/across the Middlebere Channel, therefor flushing absolutely everything, both feeding and roosting birds. Can anyone who’s out birding that see’s other such occurrences please either photograph or film the incident. The birds didn’t return for the rest of the afternoon.
Redwing – Lower Frome Valley – Fabian Harrison
Skylark – Lower Frome Valley – Fabian Harrison
Although you couldn’t see further than 100m for much of the day, there were birds to be found…
Find out moreSo cold! Mid-week was delightful with even a hint of spring warmth, but today was proper chilly. Cold…
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