Nice weather for ducks!! Well, it was in fact geese that provided the main interest with the first 10 Brent Goose of the autumn/winter seen heading towards the harbour out in Poole Bay. A sea watch from a couple of local birders also produced 4 Arctic Skua in Poole Bay, two early this AM and another two this evening, along with a late(ish) Arctic Tern, plenty of Gannet and still good numbers of Sandwich Tern milling about, also a few Common Scoter and Med Gulls. The Ruff was at Lytchett Fields again and in Holes Bay there were 256 Wigeon and 839 Black-tailed Godwit.
Ruff – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam
This morning’s Winter Safari Cruise was brisk to say the least, but that didn’t stop us from seeing…
Find out moreWith the wind easing off today it made for easier birding, so much so that the first rarity…
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