
Harbour Update – posted 02/06/17

Another day and another hour spent on the Middlebere nesting platform by the male Osprey. It spent time on the perching post initially and then hopped on to the actual nest its self for 20 minutes. Also at Arne were 3 Hobby, 1 Marsh Harrier, 5 Dartford Warbler and a Tree Pipit, all seen from Coombe Heath. There were 18 Swift ‘screaming’ above Ashley Cross, Parkstone mid-evening which is apparently more than usual this time of year. There seem to be several un-paired Great Crested Grebe still out in the harbour with birds still in Holes Bay, Lytchett Bay, Brands Bay and Parkstone Bay. There was also a report of 3 Kayakers acting suspiciously at a small and remote Gull colony on Long Island, directly opposite Shipstal Beach, Arne. One individual was seen walking out across the colony, however its so late in the season that almost all eggs would have now hatched. 

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