
Harbour Update – posted 01/12/19

A loose flock of 26 Red-breasted Merganser (of which 13 male and 13 female) could be seen out over Whitley Lake, Sandbanks today. The groynes along Sandbanks beach saw up to 17 Sanderling. A Great Northern Diver was visible between Salterns & Parkstone Yacht Club during the afternoon. Another Great Northern Diver was observed from Jerry’s Point, as well as 4 Black-necked Grebe and 20+ Red-breasted Merganser.

Coombe viewpoint, Arne offered views of several birds of prey throughout the morning. A Merlin was hassling the Dunlin flock out on Middlebere channel while 2 Marsh Harrier were quartering. A Peregrine proceeded to make an appearance too shortly afterwards. Middlebere also held flocks of LapwingAvocet and Teal, as well as smaller numbers of Brent GooseBlack-tailed GodwitCurlewRedshank and Wigeon. A Sparrowhawk flushed the waders and wildfowl frequenting Holes Bay and the Little Grebe was still on Sunnyside scrape despite a drop in water levels.

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