
Harbour Update – posted 01/11/19

Finally, 2 Hen Harrier in the harbour today – sighted in and around Middlebere! And it turned out to be a fine day on the raptor front as 4 Marsh Harrier were observed between Arne Moors and Keysworth shore, a female Merlin was perched in birches below Great Knoll on Hartland and at least one (possibly two) Short-eared Owl were seen from Lytchett Bay View during a watch this morning.

An impressive 56 species were recorded during the Lytchett Bay View watch including a sub adult male Marsh Harrier, 375 Wigeon, 328 Teal, 5 Brent Goose, 185 Canada Goose, 9 Mute Swan, 2 Gadwall, 58 Shelduck, 6 Mallard, 1 Red-breasted Merganser (first of the winter in the Bay), 2 Great Crested Grebe, 104 Avocet, 78 Oystercatcher, 46 Lapwing, 28 Curlew, 253 Black-tailed Godwit, 31 Dunlin, 4 Snipe, 2 Greenshank and 132 Redshank. Crikey! Lytchett Fields also held 2 Water Pipit.

Great Bustard flew over Studland towards Old Harry earlier this afternoon.

A short stint at the Raptor screen, Arne rewarded views of Marsh Harrier and Kingfisher and Fieldfare. Brownsea Lagoon was teeming with activity and the webcams provided views of abundant AvocetBlack-tailed GodwitGrey PloverDunlinCurlewBrent Goose and various wildfowl.

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