
Harbour Update – posted 01/05/20

We’re not sure if everyone across the harbour experience todays down pour, but for a moment today it looked as if May had been welcomed in with a blanket of snow. A torrential hail storm beat down around mid day which made CJ7 go in to hiding as well as many people that were un-suspectably doing work in their gardens or out on their health walks. That said, the day returned a good number of sightings including 1 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Curlew, 7 Whimbrel, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Greenshank and 1 Swift at Lytchett Fields. At Swineham there were 2 Little Ringed Plover on the ‘Stilt Pools’ and a Cuckoo there too with 4 Sandwich Tern in the mouth of the Frome, CJ7 was seen out in the Wareham Channel and there were c20 Swift over the main gravel pit and a Whimbrel in the paddock. There was some great warbler totals returned with 56 singing Reed Warbler and 27 singing Cetti’s Warbler logged along the Two-Rivers Walk and 7 singing Sedge Warbler.

Whimbrel – Holes Bay – Martin Adams

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