
Harbour Update – 16/01/18

The Black Brant was seen again at Middlebere associating with 380 (Dark-bellied) Brent Geese. Single Velvet Scoter and Common Scoter were still in Bramble Bush Bay where a Razorbill was just a bit further in to the west. Two Great Northern Diver were in Shell Bay plus 2 in Bramble Bush Bay, 1 in Arne Bay whilst the confiding individual was still present in Poole Park. A Red-necked Grebe was seen from Shipstal Point out in Arne Bay where there was also 10 Black-necked Grebe. c20 Spoonbill were on their usual roosting spot at Shipstal Point. A ringtail Hen Harrier was observed flying over the track between the Middlebere cottages and the farm buildings and the adult male continues to be seen at various spots in the west of the harbour. From the Avocet Hide a Peregrine was watched unsuccessfully chasing after the massed ranks (1,000+) of Avocet in the Middlebere Channel where there was also 5 Spotted Redshank. Shell Bay held 2 Black-necked Grebe, 43 Sanderling, 34 Grey Plover, 5 Mediterranean Gull, 1 Sandwich Tern and 20+ Linnet. In Holes Bay there was a good count of 14 Little Grebe as well as 1 Spotted Redshank and in the nearby PC World Drain there were 2 Grey Wagtail and a Water Rail. One lucky observer inadvertently disturbed a Jack Snipe from a small pool in the Studland area and you have to wonder just how many of these secretive little waders are lurking around the harbour? Arne RSPB car park is still proving to be a reliable site to see Firecrest with at least 1 being seen there today.

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