A decent late autumn day, with winter slowly creeping up on us. The two Snow Bunting on Redhorn Quay were still present all day, but as is often the case, when several birders descend on a certain site, other good birds often get found, which is what happened to day when Phil Saunders found a 1st winter Caspian Gull on the exposed sand spit off Jerry’s Point this evening on the low-tide. Still a really tricky bird to catch up with in the harbour, more Caspian Gull are now being recorded in the harbour and should now certainly be on birders radars when out and about. At Lytchett Fields 3 un-ringed Water Pipit were on the wet fields and a Jack Snipe was flushed. Middlebere was flus with Redwing, Blackbird and Fieldfare feeding on berries along the main track with a Firecrest along there too, 3 different Marsh Harrier and a Merlin. On Poole Park lake a male Goldeneye, 1 Red-breasted Merganser and 7 Sandwich Tern were counted with 2 Kingfisher busy around the main lake. Brands Bay still had 4 Scaup and Middle Beach had 4 Black-necked Grebe.
1st winter Caspian Gull – Jerry’s Point – Phil Saunders
So cold! Mid-week was delightful with even a hint of spring warmth, but today was proper chilly. Cold…
Find out moreAnother beautiful February day, although the slight NE wind added an edgy chill. There was both a male…
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