
Grey Day, Grey Yay! – posted 01/10/13

Despite the grey overcast sky’s for most of the day, the discovery of a Grey Phalarope on the Brownsea Lagoon at around 15:00 brightened things up, especially when it was picked up on the Brownsea Lagoon webcam for about 20 minutes. The lagoon is holding really good numbers of birds at the moment with 300+ Avocet, 12 Spotted Redshank, 6 Greenshank, 300+ Black-tailed Godwit along with nice counts of Dunlin, Knot, Bar-tailed Godwit, Curlew, Ringed Plover, Grey Plover, Wigeon, Shoveler and 1 Little Stint.

At Middlebere today more of the same with Wigeon, Teal, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Greenshank, Spoonbill, 1 juv Marsh Harrier, Yellow-legged Gull and a Kingfisher.

Lytchett Bay is still producing good birds with 1 Curlew Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Spotted Redshank, 6 Greenshank, 30+ Snipe, 1 Pintail, 2 Woodlark, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Wheatear 3 Stonechat and a Kingfisher.

A ‘Vis Mig’ watch at South Haven on the 30/09 produced 502 Swallow, 80 House Martin, 43 Goldfinch, 33 Siskin, 16 Linnet, 3 Greenfinch, 30 Alba Wagtail, 14 Song Thrush, 7 Redwing, 1 Sparrowhawk and the 1stRed-breasted Merganser of the winter.

On Holes Bay 2 Wheatear and 2 Common Sandpiper were on rocks south of the railway line. 

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