
Calm after the storm – posted 19/12/13

Another strong storm blew through yesterday afternoon/evening but died out by 11pm. Through the evening an impressive roost of 3000+ gulls headed to the Brownsea lagoon for shelter but had all gone by this morning. However, as a result of the storm a few Guillemot and Razorbill were swimming about in between the harbour mouth and Goat Horn. Also 5 Great Northern Diver were present with 4 of them forming a nice tight raft. Also present the 4 Eider still out in Shell Bay along with 4 Black-necked Grebe and 11 Sanderling on the beach. The rocks in front of the Haven Hotel held a nice mixed flock of 2 Purple Sandpiper, 12 Ringed Plover, 4 Sanderling and 25 Dunlin. Two Ruff and a Spotted Redshank at Lytchett Bay is notable.

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