
And now…relax! – Posted 06/09/13

After all the excitement of Poole Harbour’s first Semipalmated Sandpiper at the beginning of the week, things then decided to calm down somewhat over the next few days. 9 Spoonbill continued to commute between Middlebere and Brownsea. Up to 9 Curlew Sandpiper were again on Brownsea with some other excellent wader counts. Almost 3000 birds of many different species were logged, so if you get the chance to visit Brownsea in the next week or so, I would highly recommend it. The same goes for Arne as up to 3 Osprey have been seen fishing daily around the peninsular and an early returning Hen Harrier was reported. Migrants are still pouring through with Blackcaps now on the increase, and it seems to have been an exceptional year for Garden Warbler.   

Still a few places available for our guided walk at Middlebere this Saturday follow the link for details. Should be a good one with lots of nice birds about…

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