
Harbour Update – posted 05/02/20

A stunningly calm day with the whole harbour like a millpond. The 4 Scaup were in Holes Bay SE really close to the cycle path, along with an odd female Wigeon x Pintail hybrid that was associating with the Wigeon flock. The 2 Long-tailed Duck were again in the Jerry’s Point/Brands Bay area along with 2 Great Northern Diver, 2 Slavonian Grebe and 5 Black-necked Grebe. At Holton Pools a Marsh Harrier was over the reed bed, a Water Pipit and 4 Greenshank were on the pools and the Little Owl was calling at dusk. The Great Grey Shrike was still at Morden Bog.

Scaup – Holes Bay SE – Paul Morton

Sanderling – Shell Bay – Rene Goad

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