

Coverage today included Holes Bay SW which saw 2 Spotted Redshank, 1 Common Sandpiper and an Avocet along with a Siberian Chiffchaff (Tristis) and at least 7 Common Chiffchaff (collybita) along the banks of the drainage ditch behind PC World at Wessex Gate retail park. Brownsea Island had 2 Spotted Redshank, 2 Greenshank, 200+ Avocet, 500+ Dunlin, Grey Plover, Knot a Peregrine. A Purple Sandpiper was again on the North Haven sea wall. Off Baiter this morning 3 Goldeneye, 8 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Great crested Grebe and a Great Northern Diver. 14 Spoonbill were feeding off Swineham Point and a male Hen Harrier flew along the far shoreline at Arne. There are still currently 20 Waxwing just outside the harbour boundary in Lytchett Matravers.

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