

I know, I know, today was what we’ve all been waiting for right? Well, yes and no. For a birder good weather means good weather for birds and although the glorious sunshine was a well received break from the sub zero temperatures it still didn’t herald the arrival of many (if any) spring migrants. The northerly wind, albeit light, still kept the birds at bay. Highlights from the last few days included….

Friday 5th April saw still a scattering of Chiffchaff at the PC World Drain along with 5 Sand Martin. At Lytchett Bay a Yellow Wagtail a White Wagtail and 2 Green Sandpiper were around the Pools. A wing-tagged Red Kite flew over the Purbecks.

Saturday 6th was glorious, no doubt about that, but still not many reports. At Sunnyside there was just 1 Wheatear, 4 Chiffchaff and 2 Woodlark. At Lytchett Bay the Yellow Wagtail and White Wagtail remained on the pool with either a Rock or Water Pipit in flight, also a Kingfisher there. There was a great record of a Lesser-spotted Woodpecker drumming near Bestwall. Woodlark were singing up on Hartland Moor.


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