

Today, the Poole Harbour WeBS count took place giving the whole harbour good coverage at 9am. Numbers of commoner wildfowl seem to be down such as Teal and Wigeon, but a rise in diving ducks were evident. Highlights included…

1 Red-throated Diver, 3 Black-necked Grebe, 30+ Goldeneye, 24 Bar-tailed Godwit (one in full summer colours) and a Scaup all off Shipstal Point. In Arne Bay 1 Spoonbill, 46 Pintail and a Peregrine Falcon were present. Upton Park saw a good count of 12 Little Grebe under the railway bridge. A female Marsh Harrier flew over the Wareham-Stobourgh Causeway and a male Hen Harrier was present at Swineham with a ringtail Hen Harrier present at Wytch. Lytchett Bay held 4 Spoonbill, 2 Spotted Redshank and 3 Greenshank. An impressive 656 Shelduck were in Brands Bay, also a Red-necked Grebe off Knoll Beach and a Jack Snipe at Holmebridge. The Barn Owl was again hunting early morning around Swineham Farm. 37 Sanderling and 187 Bar-tailed Godwit were at Shore Road. The Wytch Channel held 1 Spoonbill, 566 Avocet and 35 Knot, and at Ower a Long-tailed Duck and 2 Scaup. Off Redhorn 1 Great Northern Diver and a Slavonian Grebe and the Knoll Beach Grebe roost contained 36 Black-necked Grebe. The Hoopoe was showing exceptionally well in Freshawater Drive and Dawkins Road, Hamworthy. 

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