The latest news from Birds of Poole Harbour

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Osprey Project16/05/2024

First wild-fledged Osprey in 180 years returns to Dorset!

The first Osprey born in Poole Harbour since the species was lost ...
Osprey Project29/04/2024

Osprey Pair Produce Four Eggs in Dorset for First Time

Delight in Dorset as the county’s only pair of Ospreys have ...
Osprey Project11/04/2024

Carey Osprey Tours are Back for 2024!

With our nesting pair of Ospreys, CJ7 and 022, back at Careys Secret ...
Osprey Project28/03/2024

CJ7 and 022 Return!

We're delighted that both 022 and CJ7 have returned safely from their wintering ...
Osprey Project08/08/2023

2023 Pop-Up Osprey Watches

With Osprey activity already building across the harbour as more birds stopover ...
Osprey Project11/05/2023

The Carey Ospreys

Sharing the Next Chapter in the Story

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