News Article16/09/2020

Farewell and Thank You CJ7….Here’s to Spring 2021!!!

Spring 2020 was without doubt one of the strangest periods in modern times. As lockdown saw us restricted to our homes there were few opportunities to get out and get the nature fix’s so many of us so desperately need. However, little did we know that during April and May a story would unfold that would grip many thousands of us and would provide a welcome distraction from the unfolding news events happening outside our front doors.

With this in mind, we’d like to look back and provide you with an overview of what this seasons Poole Harbour Osprey project meant to us, our friends, our partners and to you…………



Denise Exon
Along with a couple of thousand other people I followed CJ7 during lockdown via yourselves and Chris Packham, Megan Mccubbin and The Self Isolating Bird Club. It has been brilliant to share the update re the potential mate for her for next year with the SIBC. I also volunteer at Arne and have seen the ospreys for the first time – absolutely magical. I wish all the ospreys a safe journey and happy over wintering in Africa and will be looking forward to their return next year. Also hope to do a boat trip with yourselves next year.

Louise Cook
From the moment CJ7 arrived on the webcam I have been completely hooked. Laptop goes on as soon as I get up in the mornings until last thing at night. I have so enjoyed sharing her exciting times & her day to day life in Poole Harbour this year & I’m so looking forward next year already. Thank you BoPH, I’ve learnt so much! X

Barry Hunt
Thanks so much for a brilliant distraction from lockdown. From the moment I first found CJ7 and learned about her life I was hooked and haven’t missed much. I would love to see her interaction with the “Intruders” in the early part of the season included in the video. I am sure the piece above will also be included.

Carol Doling
First time I’ve seen the video, how amazing. Brilliant job getting these pictures out to us

Beth Fox
Watching CJ7 on the webcam played a significant part in lockdown for me, it was wonderful to watch. I hope to get there next year and come on a boat trip. Looking forward to watching the action next spring. Thank you BOPH.

Margaret Cure
Really enjoyed the boat trip seeing the osprey was really exciting also the Marsh Harrier and the Honey Buzzard thanks for a great trip

Gary Cure
The BOPH team are such a knowledgeable lot and just really nice dedicated people. Thank you for raising awareness of what is around us and on our doorstep

Diana Doughty
Your webcam kept us going during lockdown, we were willing a mate for CJ7 and hope for a positive result next season. The Q&A sessions were great, thank you.

Fran Aldous
The webcam was fascinating to watch and we got drawn in to the CJ7 saga. Loved the boat trip we went on too, and the wonderful views we had, not only of ospreys, but also marsh harriers and that amazing honey buzzard!

Jane Jeffs
Been really interesting season watching on camera with fingers crossed and especially going the last two weeks and seeing them soaring over the harbour. Thanks for all the information and great project

Karen Daws
Have really loved my first season watching these wonderful Ospreys. Can’t wait to see CJ7 among others next season. Thank you BOPH for the opportunity to be a part of it all .

Julie Townshend
Hooked on the webcam this year, the lockdown has helped raise awareness of the ospreys here and the U.K. as well as your website. Looking forward to next season

Lesley Broadbent
Hoping that CJ7 gets a life mate next year. That will be wonderful.

Janet Biggins
The webcam has been wonderful as has CJ7! Such a variety of other visitors too. Fabulous to watch and hear the nightjars! So enjoyable and educational!

Wendy Lewis Sheehan
Thank you for all you do. Hopefully CJ7 will stay safe and will find the mate she so deserves next year

Louise Cook
Really looking forward to next year & this years webcam had me watching all day (as much as poss), everyday, during lockdown. CJ7 has captured our hearts & I will miss tuning in every day over the Winter. Roll on next year : ) x

Rowena Haley
We were really routing for CJ7 hopefully 2021 will be her year bless her

Pauline Stott
Yes loved the webcam and looking forward to next year when we might see a breeding pair

Jackie Malley
Loved every minute

Alex Bates
Yes I’m very excited for 2021

Chris Haribon
Awesome as always but a sad year with some of the most well know not returning.
As always times move on and some memorable worthy new arrivals , plus some strong new birds we’ll hopefully see back in a couple of years.

Jenny Moore
I’ve absolutely loved watching this webcam this year, really got me interested Ospreys and particularly CJ7 with wishing of LS7 joining her back on the nest. She certainly has been an interesting watch, and we can only hope that next year will be the year for success in Poole Harbour. Thank you Birds of Poole Harbour


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