News Article29/05/2019

Chris Packham UK Bioblitz tour finishes in Poole!

We’re excited to announce that on July 23rd 2018 Chris Packham and his Bioblitz campaign team will be finishing their 10-day UK Bioblitz tour here on Poole Quay, in our new Birds of Poole Harbour HQ. You can read and learn more about the campaign HERE. The campaign, which looks to highlight the issues facing our countryside will see Chris and his team visit Dorset for the last leg of their national Bioblitz tour. Our BoPH HQ will be open on the evening of July 23rd between 8pm and 9pm, which is where the campaign will be signed off by Chris himself.

A Bioblitz is a survey of all bio-diversity (wildlife) within a chosen area, providing a measure of how successful or un-successful that area is ecologically. Last year Chris Packham decided that the whole of the UK needs surveying due to the collapse of numerous species and habitats across our country, which is how the campaign began. Over the 10-day period Chris and his team will be traveling the length and breadth of the county meeting and speaking with individuals and organisations who are doing their part to help the wider environment and advocating for a new approach to environmental protection. Nowadays, it seems we’re content with getting our nature fixes on well managed and maintained nature reserves, but what about outside those boundaries? How healthy and productive is the wider landscape?

As part of the campaign Birds of Poole Harbour are also helping co-run a full Bioblitz of the Liveability Holton Lee site near Lytchett Minster in partnership with Livability, RSPB and the Back from the Brink project. Holton Lee is a wellbeing discovery centre nestled in amongst a beautiful range of habitats and run by national charity Livability. On July 23rd between 10am and 5pm a team of volunteers will be surveying the site of all its fauna and flora, including the surveying of Livabilities Flourish project, a gardening and growing initiative that Chris will be talking about on the campaign. To learn about the site and explore Holton Lee the event is open to the public where the survey volunteers will be able to talk you through the species they’ve logged for the campaign.

The message is loud and clear: As important as they are – NATURE RESERVES ARE NOT ENOUGH!

You can follow all the progress of Chris’s UK BIoblitz Tour on

Twitter – @ChrisGPackham

Facebook – @ChrisGPackham

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