Harbour Osprey Cruises

Our best-selling Osprey Cruises are back for another year! Join us as we cruise up the Wareham Channel during the peak of Osprey migration in search of these special birds hunting in the shallow waters of Poole Harbour.

Summer Safari Cruises

Join us to explore Poole Harbour during the height of summer, in search of local breeding birds and the "Big Six", including Osprey and White-tailed Eagles!

Sunset Safari Cruises

From June through to August, join Birds of Poole Harbour as we explore during the last hours of daylight, making the most of the heightened activity of birds across the harbour at dusk

Birding Poole Harbour

Poole Harbour is made up of many different habitats, which in turn provides a stunning variety of bird life throughout the entire year.

Poole Harbour Live Webcams

Birds start to arrive back from their breeding grounds up north as early as July...

Please help us achieve our objectives of promoting and protecting Poole Harbour's important birdlife. Thank you for your kind donations!

Call 01202 641 003